Center for Future Energy Technologies
The first project steps for the construction of a new DFB plant are design and pre-engineering. This is done by working out a concept that can be carried out entirely by us in cooperation with the Technical University of Vienna.
1. Quick-Check
As a guideline for new projects, we send the Quick-Check form to potential customers, in which the basic data and the most important information are queried. With these data, we are able to draw up a rough financial plan for the realization of the plant and carry out the first feasibility study.
2. Gathering of basic data
The exact gathering of the basic data is an important basis for the optimal interpretation and thus to ensure a sustainable economic operation of the plant. The key parameters are:
input material: quantity, type, quality, price, supply contracts, etc.
Energy output: feed-in tariffs, purchase contracts, etc.
Statutory requirements: emissions, immissions, safety, structural specifications, protection of workers, etc.
Requirements of network operators: electricity, gas, heat, gutter, etc.
Infrastructure: drinking water, sewage, transport routes, grid infrastructure, etc.
3. Feasibility-Analysis
The basic data from the acquisition flow into a detailed feasbility analysis. The result of this analysis is the basis for financing plans, funding applications and serves as a basis for the decision for investors.
4. Analysis of input materials
Since raw and residual materials have different characteristics around the world, an input analysis is carried out on a small-scale plant, of the resources to be used before the planning of the plant, in order to determine the ideal design. This small-scale plant is located in the Institute of Process Engineering of the Technical University of Vienna.
5. Design & Pre-Engineering
On the basis of the know-how available up to now at the Technical University of Vienna and taking into account the results from the previous points, a procedural flow diagram is drawn up for the plant. This contains all the flow paths of the main engines and the main components of the entire system. For this purpose, all boundary conditions and requirements on the plant are necessary, which must be compiled in cooperation with the client. The result of this step is a complete process flow diagram of the overall process as the basis for the process simulation. In this case, modifications of the process flow picture may occur in order to obtain an optimum configuration.​
6. Reporting
The results are handed over to the client in the form of written reports. Interim reports in the form of presentations are possible, which must be announced by the client with an appropriate lead time.
7. Project Management
On the basis of the data from the pre-engineering we start bid solicitation and furthermore the selection of a general contractor (GC), who starts the detailed engineering and creates the submission documents for the official approval process. After the official approvals, the requirements are integrated into the detailed engineering. After the documents have been approved, construction of the plant can begin.
The services provided by CeFET here are from
Assistance in selecting the general contractor,
monitoring during planning,
assistance in administrative negotiations,
monitoring of manufacturing,
up to accompanying measures during commissioning, training of the operating personnel and operation.